More than Performance

  • Must keep bosses happy: relationships are more important than performance
  • If you are too good at your job, no real incentive to move up
  • Get noticed: bosses dont always know what you have accomplished
    • Have to stand out and be memorable
  • Define performance dimensions: cannot be perfect at everything, so emphasize what you did well
  • What matters to the boss is paramount: ask those in power what they think is crucial for the job and how you should do it
    • Never make the bosses feel bad
    • Flatter them

Personal Qualities - Influence

  • Can always change personality into power personality
  • Critically objective of about yourself: feedforward feedback (what I need to work on to get ready for later)
    • Confucius: “Real knowledge is to know the extent of your own ignorance”
  • Qualities of will
    • Ambition: gives drive
    • Energy: contagious, useful for hard work and shows loyalty (NEED TO WORK ON)
    • Focus: ability to stay in 1 company and specialize. Median tenure of exec in company is 15 years. Focus on a few skills and be the best. Focus on the most critical aspects of your job (NEED TO WORK ON)
  • Skills in power aquisition
    • Self knowledge: be critical after every meeting. Write everything down, what you did well, bad and who talked and outcome of meeting
    • Confidence: assert yourself to seem like you have power. People will always look toward confident person
    • Empathize: do not get too carried away by goal and realize how your goal impacts others
    • Conflict tolerance: be able to stand up for yoursel
  • Intelligence: often leads to headstrong personality that cannot empathize

Choosing Where to Start

  • Chose a niche and develope leverage with less resistance and a power base
    • Not necessarily what the company specializes in (finance in tech company…)
  • Source of departmental power: unit cohesion and ability to solve current problems (able to provide value)
  • Diagnosing departmental power:
    • Relative pay: who has the highest starting salary and exec salary
    • Physical location: better location, windows or proximity to C-suit is more power
    • Committees: who is most likely on board of directors
  • First mover advantage: choose departments that are risky and not developed as well

Getting In

  • Need to ask and be bold: stand out and recieve the rewards
    • Nothing bad will happen if turned down
    • People are likely to grant requests because it makes the benevolent and powerful
    • Flattering works, especially if you have a casual connection
  • Stand out: build personal brand and promote yourself
    • Only way to compete against superiors
  • Likability: nice = fragile, tough = power
    • Power creates likability, not other way around

Creating Resources

  • Power and resources beget more pwoer and resources
    • Choose positions with control over budget and staff
    • Power <— resources from current position
  • Creating resources out of nothing
    • Provide attention and support
    • Small but important tasks —> be indispensible
    • Focus on resource building in and out of organization
    • Leverage prestigious intsitution
  • First move advantage is crucial


  • Lots of jobs require networking ability
  • Cycle: networking —> visibility —> status and power
  • Make a list of people/orgs. you want more contacts in
    • Go out of your way to meet new people —> lead out-of-work meetup
  • Need to have weak ties that are able and willing to help you
    • Optimal: know lot of people from different circles, multiple organizations, geographically dispersed. Diverse weak ties
    • Try for high status ties
  • Control flow of informationa and become person that people seek advice from
  • Be the person that can link between different groups (engineering business, English speakers, other language speakers, etc.
  • Small networks are useful in trying to gain tacit, experiential knowledge

Acting and Speaking

  • Need to act like you have power in order to recieve it
    • Authority is 20% given and 80% taken
  • Use reflexive and contagious quality of emotions to influence others around you
  • Give full attention to people
  • Express anger in negative situations
  • Look your best. Short and powerful gestures
  • Set the stage such that it conveys your power
  • Always be prepared for speeches
  • Contest and challenge the premise of the discussion —> power
  • Linguistic techniques for persuasiveness
    • Us vs. them: paint others as enemy
    • Pause
    • Enumeration: especially lists of threes
    • Use contrastive pairs and false dichotomies
    • No notes
  • Simple, clean and concise sentences are best
  • Seek out opportunities in company for public speaking

Building a Reputation

  • First reputation/impression is often fast and accurate
    • Impression is durable <— attention decrement (people dont care about later behaviour), cognitive dissonace (disregard contradicting impressions later
    • If first impression is bad, leave
    • Try to put yourself in many different contexts to create a great impression
  • Build and emphasize dimensions of image —> more powerful
  • Build and maintain image with medium (write articles, do interviews on behalf of organization)
  • Get people to prpmote you on your behalf
  • Reputation and image creates reality

Overcoming Opposition and Setbacks

  • Be graceful and find a way to use opposition as allies (eg. graceful exits)
  • If irrelevant to your agenda, do not fight it. You are making unnecessary enemies
  • Do not take personally and make relationships work regarldess
    • Use impartial, data-driven analysis for curing relationship
  • Don’t give up, like how water erodes rocks
  • Advance on multiple fronts
  • First mover advantage —> seize intiative to oust opponents
  • Use rewards and punishments to shape opponent behaviours
  • Don’t give up when setback hits you
    • Tell as many people ASAP —> densitived and move forward
  • When hit with a setback, keep doing what you wer doing before that made you successsful
  • Act like a winner

The Price of Power

  1. Visibility and scruting: harder to do better tasks, distraction and no risks
  2. Loss of autonomy: cannot control schedule, so block time for yourself
  3. Time and effort: might ruin relationships
  4. Trust dillemas: more yes-man. Be ruthless to people who are trying to take job
  5. Power is addictive

How and Why People Lose Power

  • Power gets to head corrupts, no inhibition, more risks, rude
    • Be humble and pay attention to less power. Expose yourself to group that doesnt care about status
    • Do not forget where you came from
  • Trust misplaced/too much:
    • Look at actions, not works
  • Lost patience: keep demeanor always
  • Get tired: leave if too tired
  • Be vigilant of changing times: strategies need to change

Power Dynamics

  • Do not care about company/others in path to power
  • 2 facts about hierarchy
    • Status is imported when you move, cannot restart easily
    • People intrinsically like hierarchies
  • Responsibilities and authority do not always overlap
    • Need influence skill
  • Democracy does not work in companies

Its Easier Than You Think

  • Building path to power
    • Be brutally honest about strength and weakness to choose where to star
    • Do not conform
    • Be objective about job
  • Dont give up power
    • Don’t rankle bosses, they are supreme
    • Do not shrink away, believe that you are powerful
    • Focus on what you can do, ignore external forces
  • Take care of yourself first
  • Pay attention to the small tasks.